An incident in Chemistry lesson

This would be the first time I wrote in English...This is because I hardly use chinese language to express what happened during today's chemistry lessons!

Today,our class had carried out an experiment on redox reaction using titration method...However,this experiment involved lots of calculation...

Our chemistry teacher expected that we will draw the table for the tabulation of data first before entering the class today,but we had already "forgottened" it...This made her felt unwell already...So,she instructed us to do the calculations by ourselves and handed it up to her before 1.35pm...But,we handed up to her at 1.55pm as we hardly could figure out the answers for the questions...She was very angry and did not want to accept our works...She even scolded our class monitor in front of a few teachers...It's just 20 minutes late!!!

I know what she did to us is just want us to fasten our calculations...This is just to teach us a lesson~By the way...Through this experiment report,our relationships improved a lot...(Probably a lot?)haha!!!

MUET test 要到了~

刚才,我通过手机去查询关于Malaysian University English Test(MUET)的时间。哇~出乎预料的是,我竟然被安排在第一天!!!十月六号!!!


我多么的希望我能够在当天表现得十分出色,能够将自己的想法有条理地一个个说出来。无论如何,一个人最不能失去的,就是对自己的自信心!拥有自信的人,永远都是最美丽的。美与丑,不是单凭外貌学识也不是绝对的,相反自信才能让一个人的美缓缓地散发出来,成为众人的焦点~这,也许就叫做气质吧?呵呵 ^^

Beauty Is Not Blindly Judged By The Appearance Of The Person,Somehow Knowledgable And Self-Condifence Do Also Contribute To It~






Where should I lead my future?
<--- OR --->

有意思 ^^

