哇~昨天,我和三位同学代表学校去 USM 比赛Kuiz Sains Kesihatan(KSK)。感觉挺不错的~XD
七时正,我们就在学校门口集合了。然后,老师便载我们去那儿。(几乎迷路了咯~)那儿实在是太大了!大学嘛~不过,说真的,那儿的环境还挺不错。我喜欢~幽静中带着繁华,不会给我吉兰丹的感觉。。。XD 到了那儿后,报名了,我们便等其他学校的参赛者到齐。一等,就等了两个小时!什么嘛~迟到就应该是辞去比赛的资格。。。准时嘛!
之后,我们还去USM Ekspo。做了简单的身体检查,结果当然满意~不过,UNDERWEIGHT 咯~要加重了!牙齿健康~Body Age 却 test 不出~难道,我长生不老?哈哈~
到了三时正,成绩揭晓了~我们要是没有进入决赛,就打算回家了~没想到,我们竟然能够在大约二十所学校中脱颖而出~排名第三名哦!进入决赛咯~不错吧?决赛才是我享受的过程。很遗憾的是,我们所得到的题目都是难度高的~别的学校拿到的都还蛮容易的。。。T.T 就这样,还好我们头脑机灵~合作无间!最后,我们成为全场第三名~保留原来的名次。。。^^
今天,我们给了你一个惊喜,你也预想不到~大家就是有一种说不出的感触。十几年的朋友了,当中经历过许许多多的风风雨雨,然而友谊仍然屹立不倒,实在难得。。。说起来,三年级我们同班,那时候,当然大家都没预料到一同班,就同班到现在。缘分吧?XD 很少人可以像我们这样的。。。当然,盈盈,佩珍等都是这样的。
无论如何,除了祝福你生日快乐之外,友谊永固。。。一段真挚的友谊,不是在于时间的长短,而是为对方付出的多少。我深信,我们将会是永远的好朋友! ^^
今天,我们给了你一个惊喜,你也预想不到~大家就是有一种说不出的感触。十几年的朋友了,当中经历过许许多多的风风雨雨,然而友谊仍然屹立不倒,实在难得。。。说起来,三年级我们同班,那时候,当然大家都没预料到一同班,就同班到现在。缘分吧?XD 很少人可以像我们这样的。。。当然,盈盈,佩珍等都是这样的。
无论如何,除了祝福你生日快乐之外,友谊永固。。。一段真挚的友谊,不是在于时间的长短,而是为对方付出的多少。我深信,我们将会是永远的好朋友! ^^
栋琛他实在是很无辜咯~没办法,谁叫他这么倒霉。。。我们今天讲起刚上中六的那段日子,就说到了栋琛他在换班的最后一天教 Vivien 物理。。。其实,是很正常的。。。栋琛的人好嘛~
我们却说到 Vivien 是要追他。。。他的脸马上红咯!XD 他就是这样,人好不会计较这么多。。。美樱却以为是另一个 Vivien。。。炸到咯!知道真相后,狂笑一番~
P/S : 你不会生气吧?
栋琛他实在是很无辜咯~没办法,谁叫他这么倒霉。。。我们今天讲起刚上中六的那段日子,就说到了栋琛他在换班的最后一天教 Vivien 物理。。。其实,是很正常的。。。栋琛的人好嘛~
我们却说到 Vivien 是要追他。。。他的脸马上红咯!XD 他就是这样,人好不会计较这么多。。。美樱却以为是另一个 Vivien。。。炸到咯!知道真相后,狂笑一番~
P/S : 你不会生气吧?
MUET speaking test + boring day
Yesterday was my MUET speaking test...Actually,I didn't know what to prepare for it as the range of questions is very wide...So,I went to sit for it without any planning~hehe...As what I used to say,"Take it again next year if got an unfavourable result~!"By the way,I still hope to get an excellent band so that I would not waste my precious time to deal with useless MUET~
Yet,today was really a boring day...Instead,we learned nothing at all...Actually,I should say that I was the one who didn't pay attention to physics teacher who was the only teacher taught us today...Other teacher were absent~Except lazy Jailani...Please don't tell him this...XD
Today,most of the time I spent was with Ghee Hang,a "cool mountain" in my class...He doesn't like to talk and even smile...Pretending to stay cool is his only characteristic!Haha...However,he is really a nice guy...I really wonder why he didn't be in a relationship before...Of course same to me...Why this happens to guys like us?Anything wrong to be bornt handsome?Just kidding,ok~I know I am not good-looking...So,I didn't dare to hope for any girls that might come to me one day~All these depend on fate,right?
Ah Ser saw that cool guy smiled!But all these were because of me...You know what a person will do when he or she is in a very boring mood?That person will definitely become abnormal in his or her behaviour...Same situation as to me~I went to 'geli' him when he was sleeping...What a silly action,right?He smiled lolz...
In conclusion,damn boring today~I hope there will not be such days in my future anymore...huhu
Yet,today was really a boring day...Instead,we learned nothing at all...Actually,I should say that I was the one who didn't pay attention to physics teacher who was the only teacher taught us today...Other teacher were absent~Except lazy Jailani...Please don't tell him this...XD
Today,most of the time I spent was with Ghee Hang,a "cool mountain" in my class...He doesn't like to talk and even smile...Pretending to stay cool is his only characteristic!Haha...However,he is really a nice guy...I really wonder why he didn't be in a relationship before...Of course same to me...Why this happens to guys like us?Anything wrong to be bornt handsome?Just kidding,ok~I know I am not good-looking...So,I didn't dare to hope for any girls that might come to me one day~All these depend on fate,right?
Ah Ser saw that cool guy smiled!But all these were because of me...You know what a person will do when he or she is in a very boring mood?That person will definitely become abnormal in his or her behaviour...Same situation as to me~I went to 'geli' him when he was sleeping...What a silly action,right?He smiled lolz...
In conclusion,damn boring today~I hope there will not be such days in my future anymore...huhu
中四理一的旧同学们~你们要好好地加油哦!虽然分离了,然而只要心中有你我,距离是不会将友谊给埋掉的 ^^
中四理一的旧同学们~你们要好好地加油哦!虽然分离了,然而只要心中有你我,距离是不会将友谊给埋掉的 ^^